Many roads near Carolina Ranch are under construction. Use this link for approximate drive time and allow some extra time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
(919) 662-3200 6129 NC Hwy 42 West Garner, NC 27529

Sports & Performance

Comprehensive Performance Training for Your Dog

AKC Tricks

  • AKC Novice Tricks

Does your dog like to show off? Do you like to show off your dog? Do you want to build an amazing relationship with your dog? Then this 4-week Trick Dog class is for you! You and your dog will learn many tricks including how to high five, kiss, crawl, front feet up, and tunnel. On the last night of class, you can take the AKC Novice Trick Dog test and really show off your skills.

Prerequisites: AKC STAR Puppy, Diamonds in the Woof, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • AKC Intermediate Tricks

Did you take Novice Tricks class or have your Novice Trick Dog title? Would you like to entertain people with amazing tricks and wow everyone with a show? You and your dog can be the star of the party! Retrieve the mail, close a drawer, open up the refrigerator, carry mom’s purse, or balance a cookie on the nose are just some of the showstoppers you can master in this 6-week class. Take the AKC Intermediate Trick Dog certification test at the end of the course and get your TKI title.

Prerequisites: AKC Tricks Novice Title, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.


  • Intro to Rally

This 6-week class will introduce you and your dog to the competition sport of Rally. The two of you will learn all 42 Novice signs and working together to build leash and communication skills. Whether you want to compete or are just looking for a challenge, you will work on:

    • On leash skills
    • Stay while human walks around the dog
    • Teamwork
    • Relaxing around other dogs
    • Prepare for AKC Rally trials

Prerequisites: AKC STAR Puppy, Diamonds in the Woof, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Continuing Rally

This 6-week class will build on your Rally skills by covering the Intermediate level signs. Your dog will learn to shift their weight for appropriate position changes. Other skills include:

    • Pivots
    • Backup
    • Leave it

Prerequisite: Novice Title, Intro to Rally, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

Scent Work

  • Intro to Scent Work

Let your dog use their amazing sense of smell to find specific odors similar to work done by professional detection dogs. In this 7-week class, Q-tip swabs are scented with essential oils of Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress. They are hidden and then the dog finds them and communicates to the handler. This sport is super fun for dog and handler. The first several weeks of classes are devoted to basic hunting (go find) skills.

Prerequisites: Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Continuing Scent Work

This class is for graduates of Intro to Scent Work or for dogs who readily seek & find food in their environment. In this course, we solidify introduction of odors (Birch & Anise) and begin training the elements of Interior, Exterior, Containers & Buried. We also begin to train handlers how best to manage their leash, a bit about airflow, and enable the owner to understand how THEIR behavior affects the searching dog. The course content is modified to match the skill levels of the students.

Prerequisites: Intro to Scent Work, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Advanced Scent Work

This class is for graduates of Continuing Scent Work class, or for dogs and handlers who desire to trial successfully in AKC. In this course, we identify and teach the needed skills for dogs & handlers appropriate for their appropriate element levels. Coursework includes review of videos, lecture, and practice of skills. Content is modified to match the skill levels of the students at the AKC levels of Novice, Advanced, Excellent & Masters. Whether you are not yet trialing, trialing, or unsure if you even want to trial, this course will move you to the next level of scent work understanding and build amazing teamwork with your dog. Of note: most students in this level course are actively trialing in AKC or NACSW.

Prerequisites: Intro to Scent Work, Continuing Scent Work, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

Intro to Competition Obedience

Want to have fun with your dog, and love obedience? Do you have a dog that has the basics of sit, down, stay – and wonder how to get ready for competing in AKC Obedience games? Carolina Ranch has the answer: the Intro to Competition Obedience class.

This 4-week class will introduce you and your dog to basic skills required for AKC Beginner Novice & Novice Obedience. Did you know AKC Obedience tests can be done virtually? In this class:

  • Your dog knows how to sit, down & stay at home; however, going to new places and performing them is hard!
  • Other dogs: Your dog will practice basic obedience games with other dogs present
  • Beginner novice tasks:
    • Heel on leash, figure eight, stand for exam, sit stay, recall
  • Novice tasks:
    • Heel on leash, heel off leash, figure eight, stand for exam, stay, recall

Prerequisites: Dogs need to be comfortable in a group class setting and not reactive with dogs & people.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

AKC Fit Dog 

This 6-week course is designed for puppies, adult dogs, seniors, and special needs dogs who desire to be in better physical shape - or just desire to know how best to exercise your dog to be the best that they (and you) can be. Focus is on how to use equipment, reinforcement strategy, and planning for success.

Prerequisites: AKC STAR Puppy, Diamonds in the Woof, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

Cooperative Care "Life Skills"

  • Canine Confidence

Does your dog run & hide when you turn on the vacuum, move the trash can, or when a loud vehicle goes by? Does your dog move away, drop their ears/tail or bark when a person or dog walks by? This 4-week module is for dogs that are a bit nervous with new people, dogs, or our complicated world but can still take food and work together with their human, if provided with enough distance from the scary “things”. Not feeling safe is tricky for dogs and people! This class will focus on confidence building games and team building for the dog and handler. This is not a manners class, but instead uses a combination or exercises including tricks, basic fitness equipment, games, and puzzles to help the dog see that the work is not so scary. Dogs who are very fearful generally benefit from private lessons first.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • The Willing Participant

How wonderful it can be for your dog to participate willingly and allow you to trim their nails, treat their ears, wipe their eyes, towel feet, brush their teeth, and relax at station just to name a few possibilities! This 4-week module is to help you and your dog move from a “do it TO your dog” to a “do it WITH your dog” perspective.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Happy Veterinary Visits

The focus of this 4-week module is to help lessen the fear, anxiety, and stress (FAS) associated with veterinary visits for both you and your dog by preparing your dog at home for what is to come (car ride, lobby, exam room, veterinary exam, etc) and then practicing those skills here at The Ranch.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Happy Grooming

Some dogs need more grooming than others; however, all of our dogs need grooming specific skills (stand relaxed on a table, step into a bathing tub/space, trim hair on feet/ears, brush fur, wiping feet, etc). In this 4-week module, the goal is to have these tasks be pleasant for both the dog and handler.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

  • Cooperative Care Sampler

Not sure which cooperative care class to start with? Dealing with multiple issues and need a high-level introduction? This 6-week sampler (Canine Confidence, The Willing Participant, Happy Veterinary Visits, and Grooming) is for both puppies and dogs plus their owners who want to help prepare them for the big life ahead. In this class, you and your canine will be able to sample each of the four categories above. Week 1 is an orientation for humans only, and we pull it all together in week 6, compiling and practicing the learned skills. Please complete the online questionnaire at least 24 hours prior to the first class.

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

K-9 Sports Sampler

Want to have fun with your dog, but feel that dog training is boring? Do you have a dog that has the basics of sit, down, stay – and wonder what’s next? Carolina Ranch has the answer: the K-9 Sports Sampler!

This 6-week class will introduce you and your dog to some of the current dog sports as well as improve your existing teamwork, confidence, and communication. We will provide a taste of 4 different dog sports that will enable you to define what interests you and your dog the most: Obedience, Tricks, Rally, Conditioning, and Scentwork.

Prerequisites: AKC STAR Puppy, Diamonds in the Woof, Consult and/or Trainer Approval

Contact us (919.662.3200) for availability and pricing.

Need Financing? Apply Online!

Monday-Friday: 7:00am-6:00pm Saturday: 8:00am-12:00pm
View Holiday Hours

6129 NC Hwy 42 West
Garner, NC 27529